Saturday 12 January 2013

Say it out, softly, sweetly.

It's good to learn a new language. But if that is too complicated for you, knowing a few somethings to say, could get the locals to love you. Not just that. It could get you shop, bargain, get places and enjoy the place easily and thoroughly. What's more. This time, for once, you should learn the nicer words first. 

A little more: Nepali is the common language spoken in Sikkim. However, it has its own little musical notes, accent and expressions, different from the Nepali spoken in other places. So, here are your little musical words that can make your trip worthwhile.

Hajur: It means the magical word "Yes". It's the word that can get you cups of butter tea, take you around the town and get you passes to beautiful lands easily. It's the word that can get you to do things, never done before. Of course, if you say Hajur with a question mark and a raised eye brow, it means "Can you repeat yourself please?"
Yes, some words, work many ways.
Say Hajur to everything wonderful that comes your way, in Sikkim. 

La yee: What you could also do, is mix and match words and have fun. Once, Hajur, the next minute Lei, mean a big, happy, "YES". Feel free with the exclamation marks, full stops and question marks. 

La: The Sikkimese people are a nice bunch. And the word La shows just that. With a La, a note that follows before and after, almost everything they say, you'd know that you have to return the same kind of love and respect.

Nai: When you've said enough number of "Hajurs" and you just want to be left alone with the beautiful mountains around, say "Nai". It means NO. Though it would be nice if you could follow it with"Dhanyaabad." That means Thank you.

Kati ho?: Ah! The line that gets your wallet lighter. It means "How Much?"
We hope and pray that you hear a figure that makes you smile.

Alik Kamti Garnoosh: This is a line that you will love. It means "Please lower the price". Good luck repeating that over and over, with a sweet smile.

Kaha Jaaney?: The cab drivers could ask you that a lot. Give them the place that you'd want them to take you to.

Raamro Laagyo: Equivalent to "I'm lovin it!" Say it, if you like it.

Malai Sikkim Pura Man Paryo: After the trip's done and you have soaked up Sikkim's beauty all through, say that you liked Sikkim very very much.

Hope you enjoy the place, its people and its beautiful flowers.

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