Wednesday 13 February 2013

Little tips for a happy journey.


Always travel with a guide. Or a handbook. But if you want to just follow your instinct and reach anywhere, that's perfectly fine as well.

Vegetation is fragile. Keep to the designated trails. 

Sikkim's a clean little state and there are garbage bins at almost every corner. For your pet bottles, chips packets and everything else.

You'd want to come back some day, years later and still see the lakes and streams blue and beautiful. With your help, that could be possible. 

It's always nice to be nice. Ask the locals before you take pictures of people or things that may belong to them.

And remember! When you circle the shrines in a monastery, go clockwise. Also, it is customary to leave a donation at a monastery.

Sikkim's fauna is as rich and diverse as its flora. One of the reasons why is, because the locals do their best to keep wild life and its habitat undisturbed. We hope you too, can be a part of this.

Endangered species or antiques aren't for sale. That's why, do not buy them.

Around and in sacred places, drinking, smoking or talking too loudly could disrespect its sanctity,

Flowers and plants are varied and beautiful. Look all your want. However, plucking any is a complete no.

Sikkim and its people welcome you with love and respect.