Saturday 8 December 2012

Pictures Speak.




                                                             and a million times more.

Photo Credit: Ranveer Singh

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Love Note, from Daisy.

Dear Little Girl,

I see your heart is beating a little faster. Your face is so much brighter. You hear the lyrics in a love song. You sway to an unheard music. You fumble, you whisper with hope. He loves you. He doesn't. You and I both wonder as you slowly pluck the petals off me.

And, as I fall into pieces I hope that I don't break your heart. That I have everything and enough in me to give you happiness. Not one petal less. Not one petal more. Just enough. So that before I wither away into nothing, I can let you know that he loves you with all of his heart.
