Saturday 8 December 2012

Pictures Speak.




                                                             and a million times more.

Photo Credit: Ranveer Singh

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Love Note, from Daisy.

Dear Little Girl,

I see your heart is beating a little faster. Your face is so much brighter. You hear the lyrics in a love song. You sway to an unheard music. You fumble, you whisper with hope. He loves you. He doesn't. You and I both wonder as you slowly pluck the petals off me.

And, as I fall into pieces I hope that I don't break your heart. That I have everything and enough in me to give you happiness. Not one petal less. Not one petal more. Just enough. So that before I wither away into nothing, I can let you know that he loves you with all of his heart.


Tuesday 20 November 2012

Capture Sikkim in all its glory.

Let’s say, you are living the last few seconds of your life. You are three breaths away from moving on to someplace far, far away. And just now, all you have by your side is your mind’s photographer, throwing at you, your life’s pictures. One by one.

Would they be only in black and white? The ones taken from inside the four walls of your corner office and the backseat of your sedan. Or would they be ones with moments spent in worlds so beautiful, you swear you could’ve just died.

Well, it’s not too late. There are a million colours waiting and blooming for you in Sikkim, this Spring. With nature working hard as a gardener, you could only imagine its floral splendour. Each petal, as if handpicked and brought together, to form glorious shapes and colours. And then, looked after with all the love and care in the world. In Sikkim, you are sure to find a flower blooming in every corner. Flowers, like ornaments in front yards, windows and balconies on every slope. Flowers adorning the market squares and sidewalks. Not just that. If you travel up to the North, you’ll reach Yumthang; a valley adorned with a million flowers. They call it the valley of flowers. Now, if you still can’t picture the things that this beautiful garden can gift you with, here’s a little help. Imagine being in the midst of fragrances that can give you a heady high; birds that only flock in and bees that swirl and dance around. There’ll be flowers that you know and flowers you don’t.

Even the rarest of rare will be in plenty. 515 orchids, to be precise. That’s not all. Add further: 5000 species of flowering plants, 362 types of ferns, 424 medicinal plants and 36 rhododendron. Now add the mountains you could look up at to feel like a speck: climb to feel like a king. Add quieter times. Add darker skies and multiply the stars. And when you are done calculating, make it to Sikkim. It’ll all add up to an experience you’d like to remember, many years later.